Our Mission
We are experienced moms. There are experts and specialists among us who make sure all the facts are right. But at our core, we are veteran parents with years of life spent with our kids and grandkids.
Our mission is to provide accurate, up-to-date, and helpful parenting information to you, the moms and dads of the next generation. We do that through a methodical editorial process to prepare new content and continuously update existing content.
Tens of millions of readers have found one of our 1,000+ pieces of content since Experienced Mommy launched in 2017.
Editorial Policy
Accuracy and Fact-Checking
Experienced Mommy supports factual claims with findings from original sources in academic publications. Guidance and advice is grounded in recommendations from governing and influencing organizations like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Recommended product usage information is sourced directly from product manufacturers who are held to federal regulatory standards in their respective markets.
Content Choices
Experienced Mommy makes its own topic and content choices including which content to produce and products to recommend. While writers and editors are held to quality and operational standards and the expectation to create content in accordance with company mission and values, they are entirely independent from external influence from partners, advertisers and sponsors.
Making Money
Experienced Mommy earns from fees collected from display advertisers and commissions from affiliate partners. Ads are identified with an “Ad Choices” symbol and a link to the sponsoring ad network. Pages with affiliate product links are designated with a statement at the top to make readers aware that clicks on links may result in affiliate commissions for the website.
Experienced Mommy links to thousands of products from hundreds of manufacturers. We refuse offers to give preferential placement or selection of products for monetary compensation.
Product Reviews
Product recommendations and cautions are advised based on product performance characteristics relative to other choices currently on the market.
Manufacturers send us products from time to time to review and those articles are clearly marked with a disclaimer. The conclusions reached in these reviews are not subject to modification by the product contributor.
Review recommendations are based on research into product performance, customer feedback, product specifications, comparison to competing products, relevance, personal experience, product testing, and other factors.
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Our Values
We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standard in relation to our staff, our partners and our readers. Although we fall short of it, we aspire to enact the words of Jesus “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”. Our definition of neighbor includes all who cross the path of Experienced Mommy.
From Our Founder
I’m Becky and I’m an experienced mommy. I’ve been changing diapers daily for 23 years and there is no end in sight. Well, there is always one “end” in sight, but you know what I mean.
I have four kids who I homeschooled from kindergarten through 12th grade. Three have graduated from Purdue University and are busy getting married, having babies, pursuing careers and starting businesses.
And then there is Anna, who is and will always be at home with us. Anna has Angelman Syndrome. She is 20 but operates at about a one-and-a-half-year-old level.
She says one word, “Mama”. She is still in diapers. And she delights almost everyone she meets. Almost.
You’ve probably never heard of Angelman Syndrome. It is a genetic condition where there is a gene missing in the maternal copy of the 15th chromosome. There. Do you feel smarter now?
What that means:
- Keypad locks on all our doors, especially the one to the kitchen
- General anesthesia whenever we want to go to the dentist
- Diapers, oh, I already mentioned that
- A not-so-empty nest
- More “toddler” experience than anyone deserves
- Smiles, hugs, open mouth drooly kisses – every day
- Messes that could not be recreated by Hollywood if they tried
But what it really means is harder than that. Full-time care for a small child is isolating, boring, restricting and often depressing. It cramps my style and deadens my emotions. It is hard on the body and harder on the soul.
How hard? Well, that’s the good news. Not as hard as it used to be.
You see, it isn’t just the babies who start from scratch and learn and grow into maturity. It’s the mommies. Yeah, sometimes it feels like they are maturing faster than you are. That’s why the second child is easier because you have at least a one-year unfair advantage over the second kid.
The Experienced Mommy isn’t the one with all the answers, but the one who knows that everything is going to be okay.
“Okay” doesn’t mean we aren’t going to take Anna to the hospital tomorrow.
Okay just means I trust in God’s promises for this life and the next. It means I’m not afraid of silly things like picking the wrong car seat or even more important things like having to abandon breastfeeding or heaven forbid, letting my baby fall asleep on his tummy.
And mostly it means I have joy and hope even in the tough times.
My husband Jeff and I started Experienced Mommy to help moms make good decisions. We are blessed to have many wonderful, Experienced Mommy writers and editors who have made that goal a reality.
Becky Hunt, CPA