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Postpartum Girdles: Help Your Tummy Muscles Heal After Birth!

Answers to your questions about postpartum girdles.

FAQs About Postpartum Girdles

Do postpartum girdles really help?

After pregnancy, many body parts and organs are out of their intended position for quite some time. Many times women will experience diastasis recti, which is a separation of the stomach muscles and can be painful and make movement difficult. Hips, internal organs, bones, and muscles have stretched and moved during your pregnancy and suddenly nothing fits or feels as it used to.

This is where a quality postpartum girdle can help. It can provide support for all of those organs and bones, allowing your muscles to correctly hold them in position and relieving pain from unwanted stretching. Wearing a girdle can also help your clothes to fit better and look more flattering.

After a c-section, you will need extra support for those muscles to keep from putting too much strain on them and causing pain or the stitches to pull or rip.

Are postpartum girdles comfortable?

Are you envisioning the corsets you see in movies? The ones where they pull the laces so tight that the woman can’t breathe? Fortunately, modern girdles are no longer like that. They are made of stretchable material and can easily be loosened or tightened to your preference.

There is no question that a girdle must be comfortable for your lifestyle. C-section moms will spend a great amount of time sitting so make sure the girdle you choose remains comfortable when in a sitting position.

You also want to ensure that the girdle is neither too tight or too loose to provide protection. Most girdles are adjustable so you can find the exact right amount of compression for your unique situation.

Find the most comfortable postpartum pads in our expert guide.

Do postpartum girdles help with abdominal support?

This is the most likely reason you are looking for a girdle. Whether it is recommended by a doctor, friend, or family member, the thought of being able to get some additional abdominal support after such a transformative experience looks pretty great.

All women could use some abdominal support after having a baby to get everything to seamlessly return to their original position over their recovery period.

Diastasis recti is another common condition that may need a bit of additional support to mend. Women often feel floppy or saggy in their belly area after giving birth and a girdle will encourage the tightening of muscles and coax organs back into place.

Do postpartum girdles help with posture and back support?

Many of the girdles listed here have added back support to improve posture. Due to the bodily changes, a woman’s posture can change dramatically during pregnancy and maintaining proper posture goes a long way toward helping the body gain back strength and form.

The lower back is often a culprit of pain and discomfort during and after pregnancy. Having some additional support will help relieve of that stress and pain during your recovery period.

Are postpartum girdles discreet?

You don’t want everyone you know to be aware of your girdle. A girdle should only be known if the wearer wishes to disclose that she is wearing it. Therefore, you should ensure the concealability of your potential girdle.

One of the benefits of wearing a girdle is the slimming feature that should make others comment on how good you look post-pregnancy, not make comments about your new girdle.

How do you put on a postpartum girdle?

Some girdles wrap around and are held with hooks or velcro. Others are pulled on like shapewear.

If you have had a c-section, you want to be especially careful about pulling at the stitches and incision site. Find one that will easily pullover or wrap around without causing undue discomfort. Even if you delivered naturally, you should consider what will be the most comfortable for your particular situation.

Girdles should stay where they are. No one wants them shifting, bending, rolling, and poking uncomfortably. Choose a girdle that has features to keep it in place as you move around. Whether sitting, walking, leaning or sleeping, your girdle should stay where you put it.

How much do postpartum girdles cost?

Money can be very tight with all the new expenses of the baby, plus hospital and medical bills. Determine how much you can afford to spend and make sure you stick to it. Finding a great girdle is wonderful, but if you can’t afford it, then it can’t help your situation.

For most women girdles are an optional item and not a necessity, so just be sure you are looking within your budget range for a great girdle.

Are postpartum girdles breathable?

Most likely you will be wearing the girdle all day through all kinds of activities. You want something that will not make you hot and sweaty when wearing it.

Make sure whatever girdle you choose is made of a fabric that can breathe easily and circulate air to ensure proper ventilation for your waistline.


  1. Diastasis Recti: Why Ab Separation Happens and How It's Treated, www.webmd.com

Jennifer Doss

One-quarter Disney buff, two-thirds momma bear, three-fourths trophy wife, one-half avid reader/writer, one-eighth movie watcher. Does that add up? Hey, I’m a writer, not a mathematician. Jennifer lives with her husband and two of her four fabulous children in the state of Indiana. Her other children somehow became grown-ups and started their adult lives.

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