Editor’s Note
As of May 2022, many formulas have become increasingly difficult to find. Please read our article, What To Do If You Can’t Find Baby Formula, for more information regarding the formula shortage.
Not only does a baby’s immature digestive system produce lots and lots of gas as it breaks down food, but babies gulp extra air while eating, crying, and even sucking on a pacifier. Although burping and movement (c’mon, baby bicycles!) can help, switching to a good formula that helps your baby make less digestive gas may ease your baby’s symptoms. Whether you’re nursing but want to occasionally bottle feed, or switching formulas due to persistent gas, I recommend Enfamil Enspire Infant Formula as the best formula for gassy babies.
Partially Hydrolyzed Formulas
Via the process of hydrolizing, cow’s milk proteins are broken into smaller fragments. Although partially hydrolyzed formulas are often referred to as predigested, the proteins are simply reduced in size rather than actually having undergone any sort of digestion.
Gassy babies may benefit from partially hydrolyzed formulas which make milk proteins easier for babies to digest. Partially hydrolyzed formula is NOT recommended for babies with milk allergies. (source)
Enfamil Gentlease Infant Formula
If you’ve searched for the best formula for gas, then you’ve likely come across many recommendations forEnfamil NeuroPro Gentlease.
The makers of Enfamil clam that this formula is clinically shown to reduce gas, fussiness, and crying in 24 hours. Honestly, if you’re looking for a new option to help reduce your baby’s gas, this may cover all your bases.
Easy-to-digest protein blend. Naturally, this quality should help your little one digest and benefit from this formula.
Has Inositol and DHA. Inositol and DHA are important for brain development in babies. This formula also has MFGM which is found in breastmilk.
Why I Love It:
Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease has been on the market for a while. This means that there has been plenty of opportunity for people to share information about their experiences. A majority of the reviews I read for this product were positive, and many parents state that it’s a great formula for sensitive stomachs.
Possible Issues:
- This formula makes a lot of foam which is bad news if you don’t have time to let it settle. The good news is that it settles relatively quickly.
- Just a word of caution: the ready-to-feed version and the powdered version smell and taste differently. If baby doesn’t like one, try the other.
- None of the formulas on this list are cheap, but this is one of the highest-priced options out there.
Extensively Hydrolyzed Formulas
Extensively hydrolyzed formulas break down the proteins even further than partially hydrolyzed formulas. These milk proteins are small enough that infant intestines may not recognize the protein as milk, allowing about 90% of babies with milk allergies to tolerate these formulas. (source)
Enfamil Nutramigen Infant Formula
Hypoallergenic. Enfamil Nutramigen is totally hypoallergenic. This means that babies who have a legitimate cow’s milk allergy can find relief. In addition to crying and discomfort, many of these infants pass blood in their stools and gain weight poorly (source). Enfamil’s manufacturer states that babies with a cow’s milk allergy are at risk of developing other allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema, or environmental allergies. They claim that this formula is designed to reduce that progression.
Enflora LGG. This is the exclusive and patented probiotic that Enfamil adds to Nutramigen. It protects the intestinal mucosal lining, and prevents the growth of infectious bacteria (source). The manufacturer also claims that it helps your baby’s digestive system develop a tolerance to cow’s milk, little by little, so that your baby can eventually enjoy dairy products without a problem. Many infants tolerate dairy by the first birthday, and most children outgrow this allergy by age three (source).
DHA, ARA, and Iron. These ingredients are such important “building blocks” for your growing baby. DHA and ARA will help support their little brains, and iron carries oxygen to the brain and other organs.
Why I Love It:
This formula is designed to help your baby to eventually tolerate cow’s milk so that your future preschooler can happily enjoy that string cheese or glass of milk.
It is better tolerated due to casein hydrolysate, still cow’s milk, but broken down into very small particles. As a result, it does not trigger an allergic response. This means no stomach pain or blood in stools.
You’ve also got a modified corn starch in this sensitive formula which helps to thicken it, making it great for infants with reflux. If your baby spit-ups up frequently, you’ll love this thicker formula.
Corn syrup solids (48%), vegetable oil (26%), casein hydrolysate (17%), modified corn starch (4%)

Possible Issues:
- For whatever reason, this formula is especially prone to quality issues when purchasing from Amazon. So, order only from reputable and proven sellers, and always check the package integrity upon receipt.
- Across the board, from all retailers, this is one of the most expensive formulas for sensitive tummies on the market. However, except for generic versions, all hypoallergenic infant formulas cost more than standard formulas.
- It smells really funky in comparison to other formulas, and has a good amount of added sugar in order to improve the taste.
Similac Alimentum Hypoallergenic Infant Formula
You’ll often come across the words “Similac for gassiness and fussiness” when researching the best formulas for gassy babies. Similac Alimentum Hypoallergenic Infant Formula is one of two great Similac formulas for colic and cow’s milk protein allergy.
No artificial growth hormone. It’s so important that you make sure to give your baby a formula that doesn’t contain any artificial growth hormones.
Includes DHA and ARA. These nutrients are found in breast milk, and are essential for brain and eye development in infants.
Why I Love It:
This is a good option for relieving gas pains in babies. With the extensively hydrolyzed cow’s milk proteins and absence of hormones, Similac Alimentum Hypoallergenic Infant Formula is a good, healthy choice for your sensitive baby.

Possible Issues:
- This formula doesn’t smell great, and your child’s gas expulsions (aka burps and farts) won’t smell great either.
- The price of this formula keeps going up, and they frequently change the can and scoop sizes, usually not for the better. Not a big deal if you haven’t been using it for a long time, but veteran Alimentum users will notice a difference.
- Order carefully, and check the expiration dates and foil seals before you give this to baby. Be very diligent when ordering in bulk, and always make sure you can return a damaged can of formula!
Other Formulas for Gas
Enfamil Enspire Infant Formula for gassy baby’s is the closest to breastmilk with complete vitamins and nutrients; the Similac Pro-Sensitive Formula is specifically designed for babies recovering from severe diarrhia or lactose intolerant infants; and the Gerber Good Start contains probiotics that is known to help colic.
Enfamil Enspire Infant Formula
Closest to breastmilk. The Enfamil Enspire Infant Formula is the Enfamil formula that is the closest to breastmilk.
Only formula in the US with the ingredients MFGM & Lactoferrin. MFGM and lactoferrin helps improve your baby’s immune system (source).
Complete nutrition for babies through 12 months. Naturally, when you select a formula for your gassy baby, you need a guarantee that this formula will provide all the vitamins and nutrients that he or she needs.
Why I Love It:
Honestly, my friend had a really good experience with this product, and highly recommends it. Her breastfed baby was gassy. She made changes to her diet in an effort to eliminate her baby’s gas. Finally, she found this formula, and it worked like a charm! Her baby has not had gas issues since he started taking this formula. In my opinion, there’s no higher recommendation than a testimonial from a friend.
Nonfat Milk, Lactose, Vegetable Oil (Palm Olein, Coconut, Soy, and High Oleic Sunflower Oils), Whey Protein-Lipid Concentrate (Milk), Whey Protein Concentrate.

Possible Issues:
- There’s the possibility that your baby’s body may not tolerate this formula well. For some, it even caused the baby to have worsening gas symptoms.
- Inspect the safety seals and expiration date before using the product.
- The addition of lactoferrin and MFGM makes this formula pretty pricey.
Our Best Baby Formula article has many more best formula review options for your reference.
Similac Pro-Sensitive Infant Formula with Iron
Lactose-free. Breastmilk and cow’s milk contain lactose. For infants recovering from a case of infectious diarrhea, or those born with a rare genetic condition, lactose is difficult to digest (source). Fortunately, lactose is not the culprit for gas and fussiness in most infants (source). The Similac Pro-Sensitive Infant Formula with Iron is one of several Similac products without lactose.
It contains OptiGRO. OptiGRO is Similac’s blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E. These ingredients are found in breast milk, and help your baby’s brain and eyes develop.
No artificial growth hormone. It seems as if this should be a standard criteria for infant formulas, but it isn’t. Surprisingly, some formulas use products from cows who may or may not have been raised with growth hormones. These growth hormones then get transferred to your baby.
Why I Love It:
Dairy is a common cause of intestinal distress for both adults and children over the age of five, although the majority of infants are not born lactose intolerant (source). However, if your baby gets a bout of diarrhea, this Similac formula is good way of relieving discomfort and gas.
Water, Maltodextrin, Milk Protein Isolate, High Oleic Safflower Oil, Sugar, Soy Oil, Coconut Oil
Possible Issues:
- The way in which the powdered version mixes with water creates a lot of foam. This adds gas/air to the formula, giving extra gas to your baby.
- Some parents reported that there might be a “mystery ingredient” that can cause excessive vomiting. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know if this will occur without trying the formula.
- This formula smells so bad! But, that doesn’t stop baby from drinking it.
Gerber Good Start Soothe Infant Formula
Comforting probiotics. The Gerber Good Start Soothe (HMO) Non-GMO Powder Infant Formula has exclusive, comforting probiotics. L. Reuteri has clinically been shown to reduce crying in breastfed babies and those with colic by 50% (source).
Ease gas pains. This formula offers partially hydrolyzed proteins to help ease gas pains. The manufacturer claims that it’s one of the best formulas for constipation and gas problems.
DHA. Experts recommend DHA to help your baby’s brain and eyes develop.
Non-GMO. No artificial growth hormones in this formula!
Why I Love It:
I’m a big believer in probiotics. Probiotics can help reduce constipation and diarrhea, depending on your baby’s issue (source). Probiotics are a huge benefit of this best formula for colic. That’s why this sensitive formula is one of my favorites.
Corn Maltodextrin, Whey Protein Concentrate (From Milk, Enzymatically Hydrolyzed, Reduced in Minerals), Vegetable Oils (Palm Olein, Soy, Coconut, and High-Oleic Safflower or High-Oleic Sunflower).
Possible Issues:
- There’s the possibility that constipation may develop. Be sure you are following the water-to-formula ratio properly.
- As with many sensitive baby formula options, this one clumps when mixed with water. Maybe try the Baby Brezza Formula Pro?
- Like all formulas, this one is trial and error. The reviews are split 50/50: some babies had a huge improvement in gas, while others actually felt worse.
Soy-Based Formulas for Gas
Similac Soy Isomil Infant Formula with Iron is soy based and contains OptiGRO which is important for baby’s eye and brain development; while the Enfamil ProSobee for Sensitive Tummies is also soy based and is both vegetarian and kosher.
Similac Isomil Soy Powder Baby Formula
This is one of the best formulas for colicky babies. Why? Because Similac Sensitive Isomil Soy Powder is soy-based instead of cow’s milk-based, which makes it a great gassy baby formula option. The manufacturer states that it’s also the best formula for sensitive stomachs.
Soy-based formula. Soy is supposed to be soothing and comforting for your baby’s tummy (source). Soy protein isolate is used in infant formulas because it is easier to digest than whole soy protein.
Contains OptiGRO. OptiGRO is Similac’s blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E, also found in breast milk. These ingredients are important for your baby’s brain and eye development.
Why I Love It:
Okay, truthfully, I don’t love this product, but I think it could be worth a try. When attempting to reduce a baby’s gas, some parents will try anything. Soy formula is a viable option to be included on our list of formulas to try.
Corn Syrup Solids (39%), Soy Protein Isolate (14%), High Oleic Safflower Oil (11%), Sugar (10%), Soy Oil (8%), Coconut Oil (8%).
Possible Issues:
- Blending this formula is a real chore. Use hot water, shake like mad, then let settle and cool before feeding to baby.
- If your baby has an unknown soy sensitivity or allergy, this formula could wreak havoc on their digestive system. Many infants who have a cow’s milk protein allergy are also allergic to soy. This type of infant formula is, therefore, not recommended (source).
- Some infants may develop constipation as this type of formula is associated with firmer stools.
Enfamil ProSobee Soy-Based Formula
Soy Provides Relief. During episodes of gastroenteritis, cow’s milk can be troublesome for little tummies, Enfamil ProSobee uses soy protein isolate as the protein source. With no dairy, and definitely no lactose, this could help ease baby’s gas until the infection resolves (source).
Supports Growing Bodies. This formula includes DHA and choline.to help support the immune system, aid brain and eye development, and promote overall body growth.
Vegetarian and Kosher. These two certifications gives you an idea of the quality of the ingredients in this baby formula.
Why I Love It:
This is a much-loved soy formula that many parents with sensitive babies swear by. Soy is the best alternative to dairy products because it offers a nutritionally-complete profile.
The corn syrup solids in this formula are the carbohydrate energy source instead of lactose, although it is not a preferred type of sugar.
In addition to gas, this formula may also reduce reflux, spit-up, diarrhea, and other tummy troubles. Yay for our pick of the best formula for gas!
Plus, babies love the way it tastes! That’s always a great benefit!
Corn syrup solids (54%), vegetable oil (26%), soy protein isolate (14%)
Possible Issues:
- This formula can be difficult to mix, and it clumps like crazy. Just shake it extra hard, give it a minute to settle, and let the gas bubbles release before feeding.
- If your baby already suffers from constipation, a soy formula can make it worse, so feed with caution!
- Some parents are concerned about soy having phytoestrogens. A study conducted by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia noted subtle estrogen effects in infant girls, but no adverse outcomes (source). Other studies indicate that a chemical used to process the soy protein isolate may be the issue (source). Research is ongoing, however, it is recommended to avoid soy formulas in infants born with a thyroid problem (source).
Formulas for Gas Comparison
The table below compares only the recommended products on this page. A low or high Price means it is low or high compared to the other products listed. The Popularity Score reflects how often readers click on and buy the product. The Quality Score is our assessment of the overall performance and satisfaction with the product compared to others in the table.
Enfamil Enspire Infant Formula | 9.9 | - | 179.96 |
Similac Alimentum Hypoallergenic Infant Formula | - | 9.6 | 159.96 |
Enfamil ProSobee Soy-Based Formula | 9.8 | 9.6 | 142.51 |
Enfamil Gentlease Infant Formula | 9.9 | 9.6 | 74.94 |
Ingredients: | 9.7 | 9.0 | 45.96 |
Similac Pro-Sensitive Infant Formula with Iron | 9.3 | 9.6 | - |
Gerber Good Start Soothe Infant Formula | 9.4 | 9.6 | - |
Similac Isomil Soy Powder Baby Formula | 7.9 | 9.4 | - |
Enfamil Nutramigen Infant Formula | 3.9 | 9.4 | - |
Research on Corn Syrups in Baby Formula
You may have noticed that several of these formulas contain some form of corn syrup as a primary ingredient. Most of us will balk at the thought of feeding our sweet little babies this terrible, nasty sugar!
But what if I told you that, in this instance, corn syrup might not be a bad thing?
Think of it this way: formulas are intended to mimic breast milk which consists of essential fat, protein, and carbohydrates (with some other good stuff mixed in). Formulas rely mostly on lactose, a type of milk sugar, as the source of carbohydrates. It’s the same one that naturally occurs in breast milk.
And, this makes sense. After all, what are carbohydrates but types of sugars? Now, there are certain types of sugars that should be avoided at all costs: sucrose and high fructose corn syrup, just to name the two worst offenders.
Despite medical data that indicates most infants can properly digest lactose, formula manufacturers focus on lactose intolerance. To avoid using lactose, an alternative source of carbohydrates is needed. Enter the corn syrup products, simple carbohydrates that are easy for a baby’s system to digest. In reality, however, it is the partially or extensively hydrolyzed proteins that reduce the likelihood of gassiness and discomfort.
Now, I’m not defending loading baby formulas with tons of sugar. That has consequences, from increasing the risk of diabetes and obesity, to tooth decay in babies with teeth (source).
But, for a short-term, gas-reducing option, don’t rule out a formula simply because of added corn syrup. Read the product label, research the ingredients, and make an informed choice.
Helpful Articles and Resources
- What are healthy qualities in infant formula?
- Infant formulas loaded with corn syrup and sugar
- Consumption of a Corn-Sugar Based Infant Formula Is Associated with Higher C-peptide Secretion Compared to Lactose Based Formula among Exclusively Formula Fed Infants
- Why Doesn’t Baby Formula List Sugar Content?
- Postprandial metabolic response of breast-fed infants and infants fed lactose-free vs regular infant formula: A randomized controlled trial
- Assessing the Cariogenic Potential of Some Infant Formulas, Milk and Sugar Solutions
- Infant formula (scroll down to read about the composition of the tablets)
Other Options for Soothing Gas in Babies
Changing foods. Unfortunately, one of the best ways to reduce your baby’s gas may be to eliminate certain foods from your diet if nursing, or to change the formula. Definitely speak to your doctor and pediatrician to determine which could be the offending foods before making major dietary changes.
Windi the Gaspasser by Fridababy. Those folks at Fridababy have some pretty wild ideas that work for effective, natural gas relief. This particular product was recommended by a friend of mine.
Get a new bottle. Sometimes, the wrong bottle can be a major gas contributor. Try a baby bottle for reflux to help baby gulp less gas while feeding.
Gas drops. Some moms swear by gas drops . The fact that you can find a variety of options at any local drugstore makes them extremely convenient. However, there are mixed opinions about their effectiveness. In theory, simethicone can break up intestinal gas bubbles, but probiotics may provide better improvement of symptoms (source). We’ve got a list of all the best baby gas drops already reviewed!
Baby exercise. Generating movement in your baby’s intestines can help them naturally work the gas bubbles out. In addition to always burping your baby during and after feedings, try baby gas exercises to help stimulate the digestive tract muscles.
Infant massage. I personally used infant massage with my second baby. Rubbing his tummy and back correctly helped relieve all of his gas issues.
Bounce on an exercise ball. Another friend of mine swears that bouncing on an exercise ball can help your baby relieve his or her gas.
Belly time. Placing an awake infant belly-down on a flat surface can relax tense abdominal muscles. It also gives your baby a chance to practice motor skills.
Find another qualified person. With my first son, I passed him off to his grandfather. Every Wednesday, my father-in-law came over to my house, and wiggled the gas out of my son. It seems to me that people who love to be around babies have some tricks for soothing.
FAQs – Formula for Gas
How can I reduce gas in breastfed babies?
Start with a good latch. If your baby doesn’t latch properly, they may take in air with their milk. If there’s a lot of smacking, this is probably the case. Help baby to be patient: feed before they are famished, and, if they begin sucking in air, interrupt the feeding to allow them to re-latch for a better seal.
These same techniques apply to both breastfed and bottle-fed babies:
- Keep baby’s head higher than their stomach during feedings.
- Burp your baby every ten minutes (or fewer) during and after feeding.
- Keep a food diary in order to determine whether the gas may be related to your own diet.
- Tilt the bottle so that the milk fills the nipple and the baby is not swallowing air.
- Try a slower-flow nipple.
How do you comfort a baby suffering from gas pain?
Thirty minutes after feeding, you can place your baby on their tummy. You might even place them on a slightly convex surface in order to gently apply pressure on their tummy; this may increase the likelihood of spit-ups, however.
You can also try to:
- Place baby on their back, and gently massage tummy in a clockwise circular motion.
- Bicycle baby’s legs.
- Gently lift baby’s legs up and toward their head.
- Ask your doctor about gas drops.
Which kind of bottle is best for a gassy baby?
In general, bottles with breast-like nipples that vent to prevent vacuum feeding are best. Here are several, well-reviewed options:
- MAM Baby Bottles for Breastfed Babies, MAM Baby Bottles Anti Colic
- Dr. Brown’s Original Bottle Newborn Feeding Set
- Playtex Baby Ventaire Anti Colic Baby Bottle
- Phillips Avent Anti-colic Baby Bottle
- Comotomo Natural Feel Baby Bottle
- NUK Simply Natural Baby Bottle
- Nanobebe Breastmilk Baby Bottle
Can my diet cause gas in my breastfed baby?
Most sources report that, although rare, it is possible for one of the following foods to cause gassiness in your breastfed baby:
- Dairy –milk, ice cream, cheese, yogurt (only in infants with cow’s milk protein allergy)
- Caffeine
- Beans
- Cruciferous vegetables
- Onions and green pepper
Before you eliminate a major food group from your diet, speak to your baby’s pediatrician. He or she can help you discover the source of baby’s gas via food journaling, and develop a good game plan for a baby-safe breastfeeding diet.
Can gas make babies scream?
Yes. I almost convinced my pediatric-fellow husband to stop with our son at the ER when we were traveling one day, but we postponed. When we (shortly) got to where we were going, he examined our still-screaming son, pressing gently on his tummy. This action prompted one loud burp, and a quick end to the screaming.
Short, sharp cries are often symptomatic of pain. If baby is crying like that, try some of the above techniques to see if the crying stops.