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Enfamil Reguline Formula – A Real Mom Review


As of May 2022, many formulas have become increasingly difficult to find. Please read our article, What To Do If You Can’t Find Baby Formula, for more information regarding the formula shortage.   

Enfamil Reguline Formula can provide better digestive health for your baby.  The added prebiotics support a healthy gut to give softer, more comfortable stools, better than any other infant formula.

The question is, however, does Enfamil Reguline Formula live up to the hype and actually improve digestion?  Here are the facts regarding this popular name brand formula to help you decide if it’s the right choice for your baby. 

Overall, we feel that it is a high-quality formula, but we wish it did not contain corn syrup.  Unfortunately, most formulas on the market intended to reduce stomach troubles have this sugary ingredient.  At least with Reguline, it is not the first one.  However, Enfamil Reguline is the only infant formula specifically designed to reduce constipation which puts it in a class of its own. 

Enfamil Reguline Formula Review 

Key Benefits of Enfamil Reguline Formula 

The main benefit of Enfamil Reguline Formula is that it promotes softer, more comfortable poops.  Aside from increasing your baby’s fluid intake by offering a bit more formula at each feeding, there are limited options for relieving infant constipation.  Prune juice is not appropriate for infants who have not yet begun “first foods,” and medications should not be given without the advice of a doctor (source).   In addition, infants who have been diagnosed with anemia may develop constipation from prescribed iron supplements.   The manufacturer’s of Enfamil Reguline hope to eliminate stooling problems, and make babies more comfortable and happy. 

Prebiotics are the primary stool softening ingredient, included to help baby intestines to function better.   For additional benefit, the formula contains easy-to-digest proteins for less gassiness and fussiness. 

If your baby is often constipated or gassy, consider Enfamil Reguline formula for more comfortable bowel movements. 

In addition to reducing constipation, this formula has brain-nourishing DHA and choline, similar to breastmilk, for optimal cognitive development.  Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients. 


All manufacturers are required to meet the internationally established standards for the basic ingredients included in infant formulas.  Because of this, most formulas have similar ratios of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins to create a healthy,  nutritious “meal” for babies.  Companies then add other ingredients to help distinguish their product from others.  Some ingredients are intended to mimic breastmilk such as lactose and prebiotics.  The vast majority of baby formulas contain cow’s milk as the source of protein.  Because babies digest cow’s milk differently than human breastmilk, efforts are made to make the proteins more tolerable. 

Compared to other formulas, Reguline offers a respectable formulation with very few concerning ingredients. Take a closer look. 


Babies need more dietary fat than older children to encourage brain and body growth.  Breastmilk provides an ultra-creamy mix of four percent fat, a ratio that Enfamil seeks to mimic in their infant formulas.  Fats are added in the form of a vegetable oil blend.

Enfamil Reguline has a mixture of palm olein, coconut, soy, and sunflower oils.  These are the typical oils included in many infant formulas on the market. 

However, the inclusion of palm olein oil is a bit concerning.   Although it’s similar in structure to the fats in breastmilk, the low percentage of this oil in infant formula is problematic.  Once inside the intestines, the palm olein oil forms a “calcium soap” that inhibits the absorption of calcium and fats into the body (source).  As a result, the excess calcium left within the intestines causes tougher stools.  This defeats the purpose of giving an infant formula to improve stooling.  Don’t worry, however.  There are other aspects of Enfamil Reguline that will reduce constipation. 

Calcium is essential for strong bones, muscles, and developing teeth.  Because palm olein oil reduces calcium absorption, extra calcium is added to the formula make up the difference.

As for the other fats, coconut and sunflower oils are completely safe and easy to digest.   With soy oil, there is concern about the chemicals used in its production (source).   It has also been suggested that soy acts as an estrogen in the body, disrupting the function of some hormones.  Results of more recent studies, however, have not, confirmed this finding.  In addition, most soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified which may affect their quality.

ARA and DHA 

Both ARA and DHA are omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, but aren’t considered “essential” because the body can self-produce them in small amounts.  Enfamil Reguline contains algae-derived versions in the forms of mortierella alpina oil and crypthecodinium chohnii oil.  ARA and DHA can also be found in human breastmilk, fish, and eggs.

These fatty acids are added to baby formula in an effort to mimic what is in breastmilk.  Per the international regulations, equal amounts of each should be present (source).  These ingredients can be beneficial for eye and brain health. 

If you take fish oil supplements yourself, you may already be aware of the benefits. 

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Not many infant formulas offer both prebiotics and probiotics despite their “dynamic duo” status.  So far, Gerber GentlePro is the only other option.  If you prefer an infant formula with both ingredients to help reduce your baby’s stomach troubles, consider Gerber Gentle Pro

If you don’t know what prebiotics and probiotics are, then you are in for a treat.  Probiotics are good bacteria that help the body’s digestive tract work better.  Prebiotics are “food” for the good bacteria.  This is why they go so well together. 

The two prebiotics in Enfamil Reguline Formula are polydextrose and galactooligosaccharides.  That’s right!  This formula includes two prebiotics to feed the army of good bacteria in babies’ stomachs, and create a healthier digestive tract. 

Breastmilk naturally contains oligosaccharides, so adding prebiotics to infant formula makes sense.   These fibers are undigestible and instead ferment within the intestines, providing nutrients for the gut flora.  This improves digestion, and boosts the immune system.

If you prefer Reguline but still want to give a probiotic supplement, Enfamil Vitamins Infant Probiotics Dual Probiotics Drop are an option.  The company recommends adding a few drops directly into a bottle of formula.


Protein is important for building muscles, and assisting practically all bodily functions.  In baby formula, the two most commonly used protein sources are whey or casein from cow’s milk. 

Whey protein is more fluid-like, and digests quickly.  Casein contains most of the milk solids, and takes longer to breakdown, creating a feeling of fullness.  However, casein is more likely to cause allergy symptoms and digestive issues (source).  So, which type of protein is in Enfamil Reguline? 

It has whey protein concentrate and no casein.  Although the label lists “whey protein concentrate solids (soy),” don’t worry.  It is still cow’s milk whey, but the company uses soy enzymes to break down the protein.  Soy is only included on the label for legal purposes, and there is no soy protein in this infant formula.  

In addition, partially hydrolyzed nonfat milk is the first ingredient.  This simply means that the proteins are broken down into more digestible pieces that a baby’s system can better handle.  Not every baby can digest cow’s milk properly, so a little more help is needed. 

Including both nonfat milk and whey protein isolate raises the protein content to the recommended level for infant formulas.  Enfamil Reguline is a great, gentle on the stomach option when breastfeeding is not possible.

Previous research suggested that partially hydrolyzed infant formula may have the added benefit of reducing the development of  Type I diabetes later in life.  More recent studies, however, have refuted this claim (source).  

Carbohydrates and Sugars

Carbohydrates and sugars provide infants energy.  Lactose is the carbohydrate found in breastmilk, but a cow’s milk version is included in Enfamil Reguline.  Unfortunately, corn syrup solids are also present, also known as dextrose

There is no corn syrup in either breastmilk or the best formulas.  It is ingredient we like the least.

Carbohydrates make up about 40 percent of the calories in baby formula (us parents probably eat a little bit more.)  If half of those carbs are pure sugar, then your baby will begin to crave sweet tastes (source).  Not to mention, corn syrup causes blood sugar and insulin surges in babies which can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes (source)

Trust us, the minute you start feeding your baby sweet solids like applesauce, their love of sugar will begin.  The preference for sweets should not be caused by their formula. 

On a positive note, there is no maltodextrin which also causes significant spikes in blood sugar, even more so than corn syrup.  Also, the corn syrup solids are lower on the ingredient list than in other infant formulas such as ProSobee or even Enfamil Gentlease.  Both have much greater amounts of corn syrup. 

Ultimately, we would prefer if formula was made only with lactose as the carbohydrate source.

Vitamins and Minerals

The list of vitamins and minerals in Enfamil Reguline is very similar to those of other formulas due to regulations.  Your baby will get all of the necessary nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B6, B12
  • Niacin
  • Folic Acid
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Biotin

Bonus ingredients include:

  • Choline
  • Inositol

For minerals, there is:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Iodine
  • Selenium

Along with a few electrolytes:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride

A quick side note:  iron is added to all baby formulas made in the US to prevent iron deficiency anemia.  Although there is very little iron in breastmilk, it is much easier to absorb than what is added to infant formulas (source).   Most formulas produced in the U.S. contain 1.8 mg of added iron to compensate for its lower bioavailability.  Enfamil Reguline, however, only has 1.5 mg which may be gentler on your baby’s tummy.

For most infants, the iron content of infant formula is not problematic.  Taking a separate iron supplement may, however, cause constipation.  If your infant has difficulty stooling, discuss this with your pediatrician to determine the best solution for your baby.

If you prefer a formula with less iron for babies with extra sensitive stomachs, consider using a European formula as they have significantly less iron.  Just make sure that your baby eats plenty of iron-rich baby foods if choosing one of these formulas.

Similarity to Breast Milk

Enfamil and Similac make several baby formulas with designer ingredients to “make formula more like breast milk.” Reguline, however, is NOT one of them.

Enfamil Reguline is specifically intended babies who suffer from constipation.  The only “similar to breastmilk “ingredients are the prebiotics, vitamins, and minerals, but even these aren’t the same ones found in breastmilk. 

If you want a “close to breastmilk” option, take a closer look at Enfamil Enspire.   This version can provide your baby with lactoferrin and MFGM

Similac makes Pro Advance with an ingredient not found in any other formula as well.  Try this one if you want your baby to have the benefits of  2′-FL HMO

Now, what if a company created a baby formula with these ingredients, prebiotics, and probiotics, but also was (if we are dreaming) organic and non-GMO?  That would be amazing!


Speaking of organic and non-GMO products, Enfamil Reguline is neither.  Although it’s a highly regarded formula with quality ingredients, if organic or non-GMO is your preference, you will need to find another option.  

Enfamil now has a Simply Organic infant formula made with organic milk, oils, and sugars.  Similac offers organic formula as well.  You can also try Pure Bliss by Similac to avoid growth hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs.  Some specialty brands also produce organic formula options.

Enfamil Enspire and the company’s other premium formulas are all non-GMO.  However, Enfamil as a whole does not fully support the non-GMO movement, so you may want to choose a different brand. 

Ages and Stages 

Like most of Enfamil’s formulas, Reguline is for newborns to 12 month olds.  There is no Stage II version, but toddlers most can drink whole cow’s milk or soy milk by that age (source).

Also, Enfamil Reguline is not designed for premature babies.  Before giving Enfamil Reguline to a premature baby, check with your pediatrician.  This formula may not be appropriate for the nutritional needs of your preemie.

Instructions for Mixing Enfamil Reguline Formula

Preparing powdered Enfamil Reguline is easy.  Simply mix two fluid ounces of water with one unpacked level scoop of powder.  Always wash your hands with soap and water before mixing.  Add the water to a bottle, then the powder, and shake until mixed. 

You can heat up the water if you wish, or leave it at room temperature.  Store prepared formula in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, then discard if unused. 

Common Problems with Enfamil Reguline Formula

The only parent reported problem with Enfamil Reguline is that it does not eliminate constipation for every baby.

For some infants, it caused gassiness.  Babies who do not respond well to Reguline may tolerate Enfamil NeuroPro Sensitive or Enfamil Enspire Gentlease much better. 


Walmart – 4.7 Stars, 427 Reviews
Target – 4.6 Stars, 844 Reviews
BuyBuyBaby – 4.7 Stars, 387 Reviews
Walgreens – 4.7 Stars, 388 Reviews

FAQs About Enfamil Reguline Formula

How does Enfamil Reguline compare to Similac Pro-Total Comfort? 

Similac’s Pro-Total Comfort has a few advantages and disadvantages over Enfamil Reguline:

First, Similac Pro-Total Comfort has 2′-FL HMO which is found in breastmilk and provides immune support.

Second, some parents report that it also reduces fussiness and gassiness.

Third, it has hydrolyzed proteins for easier digestion, and there are no growth hormones.

However, the first ingredient in Similac Pro-Total Comfort is corn maltodextrin.  This starch can cause blood sugar spikes, something that is absolutely unnecessary, and why we cannot recommend it over Enfamil Reguline. 

Similac Pro-Total Comfort is also missing prebiotics, another reason Reguline wins.

Most importantly, Enfamil wins against Similac because of less added sugar.  In addition, Similac’s manufacturer doesn’t make a formula specifically designed to combat constipation. 

How long will Enfamil Reguline take to reduce constipation? 

Every baby responds to this formula differently.  You may notice better stooling within seven days, or by the end of the container.  If there is no improvement after a week, to talk to your baby’s doctor. 

What should I try if my baby still has constipation after trying Enfamil Reguline? 

At this point, you should definitely to talk to your doctor.  The problem may a cow’s milk protein allergy or other digestive issue.   There are other options such as extensively hydrolyzed infant formulas.  These include Similac Alimentum or Elecare.  If your baby has been diagnosed with galactosemia or has a rare congenital lactase deficiency, reduced lactose or soy formula may be appropriate: Enfamil Neuropro Sensitive. 

Your doctor can determine the reason for your baby’s constipation, and help make any dietary changes.  If your baby seems to strain while stooling, try “bicycling” your baby’s legs.  Babies four months and older can try high-fiber foods such as prunes, mangoes, pears, etc. 

Final Thoughts 

No other formula company makes a product that is specific for reducing constipation.  However, the Enfamil Reguline ingredient list is very similar to that of other products with prebiotics and hydrolyzed proteins.  There may be more of a marketing strategy involved than actual uniqueness of its formulation.

Overall, Enfamil Reguline is a fantastic option, but we would love to see it without corn syrup and GMOs.  As for the latter, many companies are eliminating GMOs from their infant formulas, but many still use corn syrups. 

If your baby has constipation, it is worth giving Enfamil Reguline a try.  It is the only option designed to “reduce constipation in as little as a week.”  If unsuccessful, ask your doctor about other “gentle” formulas.  Just be aware that they may have much more corn syrup.


  1. UpToDate…, www.uptodate.com
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  7. Characteristics of Soy Protein Prepared Using an Aqueous Ethanol Washing Process, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  8. Docosahexaenoic Acid and Arachidonic Acid Nutrition in Early Development, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  9. Beneficial Properties of Probiotics, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  10. The infant gut microbiome as a microbial organ influencing host well-being, ijponline.biomedcentral.com
  11. Modifying baby formula doesn't prevent type 1 diabetes in children, www.sciencedaily.com
  12. Early Taste Experiences and Later Food Choices, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  13. High fructose corn syrup induces metabolic dysregulation and altered dopamine signaling in the absence of obesity, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  14. Iron deficiency in children: Prevention tips for parents, www.mayoclinic.org
  15. Iron and the Breastfed Infant, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  16. Frontiers…, www.frontiersin.org
  17. Milk Fat Globule Membrane Supplementation in Children: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  18. The Role of Two Human Milk Oligosaccharides, 2′-Fucosyllactose and Lacto-N-Neotetraose, in Infant Nutrition, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  19. Cow’s Milk and Milk Alternatives, www.cdc.gov
  20. Galactosemia - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, rarediseases.org
  21. Congenital lactose intolerance is triggered by severe mutations on both alleles of the lactase gene, bmcgastroenterol.biomedcentral.com
  22. Constipation (for Parents), kidshealth.org

Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Alexander began her pediatric career at Elizabeth Pediatric Group of New Jersey in 2000, and has practiced at Pediatricare Associates of New Jersey since 2005. After graduating from Kalamazoo College and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, she completed her pediatric training at Overlook and Morristown Memorial Hospitals. She is board certified in General Pediatrics. In addition to pediatrics, Dr. Alexander pursued her interest the culinary arts with study at the French Culinary
Institute. In 2007, she opened Global Palate, LLC, catering small group events for six years. Dr. Alexander has also been a professional writer and editor since 2018, engaging in a variety of medical editing and writing projects.

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