Baby jumpers are one of those standard pieces that every parent should own. Don’t underestimate the power of baby exercise – a playing baby is a tired baby, and tired babies sleep more soundly. If you want the absolute best baby jumper on the market, go for the Skip Hop Explore and More Baby’s View 3-Stage Activity Center. Let me tell you all about the best baby jumper and why I picked it. Then, I’ll tell you the criteria I used for picking it.
Best Baby Jumper
The Skip Hop Baby Explore & More Activity Center is a versatile piece of baby equipment that includes a baby jumper, an activity seat, many toys, and a play table so you get plenty of bang for your buck; whereas the Jolly Jumper with Stand is just a simple jumper that doesn’t have any additional toys or functions other than jumping and bouncing.
Skip Hop Explore and More Baby’s View 3-Stage Activity Center
This product is just amazing. It has everything I want in a jumper – toys, activities, and the ability to grow with baby. I used a different, more traditional jumper with my son that worked just fine, (the Baby Einstein Activity Jumper), but it ain’t got nothing on this jumper!
Why I Am Obsessed
I love this because it’s just not like every other jumper out there. It isn’t designed to let your baby go crazy with the whole jumping up and down thing. And that’s good. Why? Jumpers can actually be bad for your baby (read more on that below). This pediatrician and occupational therapist-designed baby jumper seat allow your baby to move and balance and even throw in some exciting bounces and jumps. But they do this in a healthy way that is good for their little body.
The other thing this seat has that I love is the versatility. It’s not just a baby jumper, it’s an activity seat, a play table, and an overall great piece of baby gear. Let’s dive into the details for those different stages.
Stage 1: Sit, Swivel, Bounce, and Play
The experts who helped design this seat wanted to focus on a total body mode of play, in which baby uses all parts of their brain and their body equally and together. That’s how this activity jumper works.
For this mode, baby can sit in the seat and play to their heart’s content. They can safely sit until they are 25 pounds. The seat has 360 degrees of mobility so that baby can reach all of the toys. The seat also has a bit of stretch to accommodate some bouncing. The stretchy seat says clean with a cloth only, but many parents have machine washed and line dried and had it come out okay.
And while it doesn’t bounce quite like traditional jumpers, there is a platform underneath that helps baby learn to balance and support its weight. The platform isn’t fixed, so it wiggles around and causes baby to use their muscles. They can still jump and bounce, but they won’t be catching air quite like other, more traditional baby jumpers. The platform is adjustable as baby grows so that they are always at the perfect height for healthy movement.
The sensory toys are the focus of this stage. Altogether, the toys create 25 different developmental activities. The round tray table features 5 toys and an activity window. The toys include a pop-up owl that makes cute hoots, a spring cloud filled with bright colored beads, soft rubber trees that bend, a hedgehog bead chaser toy, and a dishwasher-safe bee bowl for keeping snacks safe. Also, the toys (and table) are phthalate-free for worry-free baby gnawing.
All of these toys attach to the tray with secure clips. The clips have little loops on the bottom that allow you to attach extra toys during the first 2 stages if you wish. You will need lots of links to get the toys long enough for baby to reach during this first stage.
Also on the tray is a see-through window that allows baby to look at the piano that’s on the foot platform. This cute little piano can be used in 3 different modes: piano mode, melody mode, and motion sensor mode. Since baby can see it, they can learn cause and effect from kicking the keys and making noises. Plus, the piano isn’t too loud and the songs are totally tolerable for us parents.
If your baby doesn’t like the piano being at their feet, or maybe they just aren’t developmentally ready for kicking the keys, then you can move the piano. It can be placed on the tray table above the see-through window. It can also be removed and used as a stand-alone toy.
Stage 2: Cruise and Interact
Once baby is too tall or too old to be confined in the jumper anymore, they can use it as a cruising toy. Now what that means is that it sits at just the right height for baby to walk around it and look at the toys. This is so perfect for those babies who are just learning to get around on their own. It gives them a stable environment to cruise in and the familiar toys keep them excited.
You have two choices for creating a cruiser in this mode. For the first choice, you can pop the little platform that baby should stand on while jumping completely off. That way, it won’t interfere with their ability to cruise around. Plus, it’s one less place for them to hurt themselves at this topsy and accident-prone age. By leaving the seat in, you can use it interchangeably as a jumper or just a toy to stand by.
The second choice is that you can go ahead and put that platform where the seat goes. This will pretty much turn the jumper into a junior toddler toy table. They’ll have a flat center to put other toys on, while the toys they’ve come to know and love will still be clicked into place for their playing pleasure.
Clicking this platform into place is pretty easy. It just snaps right down in the hole with no problems. I love how much use and versatility this lends to this jumper! Which leads me to my next mode.
See all the best activity table choices for your baby.
Stage 3: Play Table
The final way to use this jumper is as a wonderful toddler table. Once you snap all those toys off and store them with the seat, you are left with a stylish and functional kids table. At 31 inches in diameter, it’s a great-sized table that’s perfect for little kid play.
Sure, it’s not as secure or sturdy as say, a wooden table. But it does the job! It is easier to clean, doesn’t scratch, and has a cleaner and more updated look. The area on the platform where the piano once went makes an amazing snack tray or crayon holder, too!
You can get some matching chairs. The Skip Hop Explore and More Kids Chairs are designed to go with this table. The matching chairs turn this once-jumper into an adorable table set that any child and parent would love.
How can you not love this bonus stage? I think I’ve mentioned before that I used a different jumper with my son. He loved to jump in it, and then when he was cruising around, he would use the jumper to help him. But then we had to pack that piece of baby gear away. It had no more use to us.
This seat gets rid of that nauseous feeling you get as apparent when you realize that something that you paid a pretty penny for lasted only a few months. Sure, we expect a short life for kids products, because that’s just their inherent nature. But this product goes above and beyond the expected lifespan. It gives you a jumper and a table all in one! You’ll get several years of use out of it.
Any Downsides?
Maybe one of the biggest (and only) bummers about this jumper is that the amazing activity window can’t be removed. It’s not completely waterproof and as such, spit up, drool, milk, and anything else can work its way into those little crevasses and get trapped inside the window. It would be so much nicer if you could pop the plastic window out to get it cleaned.
Another pet peeve that I have is the keyboard. Now, I am a piano player myself, so maybe that’s why this keyboard drives me nuts. It’s not tuned! It’s just not musically correct! I know that babies don’t know the difference, but why couldn’t Skip Hop have seized this opportunity to teach kids proper music? Not a deal-breaker, but annoying nonetheless.
What Does the Research Say?
This is a fancy way of saying what do other people think and I can tell you, the reviews are sterling. In addition to those two little things I already mentioned, here are some of the most common complaints:
- Too short. A few parents have complained that they can’t get the seat low enough for their baby to touch the platform. Since one of the main points of the seat is to allow baby to learn to put and support weight on their feet, this is kind of a biggie. But parents of the world have figured it out: put a pillow under baby and voila! They can touch.
- Too tall. Opposite of this is the problem that parents have with their child growing out of this baby bouncer jumper due to height, and not necessarily due to baby being developmentally ready to move on. That could easily happen for tall babes. My daughter has always been over the 80th percentile on height, and we did notice that she could stand up straight at the tallest setting by the time she was 8 months old. But by then she was ready to cruise, so it worked out okay for us.
- Not enough toys. There aren’t that many toys that come included. And, you can’t buy any extra toys that come with the clips to help it attach to the tray/table. We circumvent this problem by just giving our kiddo more toys to hold and attaching some to the loops on the rings. I think they erred on the side of simplicity to keep it from being another overstimulating baby toy.
- Bee bowl loses suction. After some time, this thing just won’t stick anymore. Doesn’t mean baby can’t play with it, but they can’t get it to stay on the tray.
Aside from these pretty minor complaints that are standard for a lot of baby jumpers, people totally love this jumper! Parents can’t say enough good things about the style, quality, and versatility. Not to mention that it keep their kids happy and healthy.
Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo
Okay, so I know that there are those of you out there who have read the above information. You get it – jumpers have risks. But you still want a great jumper. A jumper where your baby can get some major bouncing movement. A jumper like you grew up with. If you are looking for a regular, traditional baby jumper, take a look at the Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo.
The baby bouncer jumper has a lot of great features that will keep baby entertained.
- A soft, machine washable seat that rotates 360 degrees for playing fun
- The 32-inch diameter frame can fold down and nest within itself for easier and more compact storage (just the metal base folds- the seat stays put together)
- Portable baby bouncer is light and easy to move from one room to the next
- Covered springs to help baby to learn gross motor skills from major jumping and bouncing
- 3 height settings accommodate a baby until 32 inches and 25 pounds
- Toy tray has 5 different toy stations designed for tactile and sensory development, including:
- Jumping-activated lights and sounds toy with dangling characters (can be set to play continuously)
- A springy bumblebee with bright-colored wings and different textures
- A lizard roller bar with beads inside
- A spinning wheel with different images
- A rainbow arch with spinning sun and peek-a-boo tiger
- A dangling parrot and frog for reaching up into the soft leaf canopy
- Jumping-activated lights and sounds toy with dangling characters (can be set to play continuously)
Why Didn’t It Win?
You may be looking at the fun features and 5-star reviews for this jumper and wondering why I didn’t pick it. Well, there are a couple of reasons. Besides that whole safety thing.
First, there is the whole price thing. It isn’t that much cheaper than the Skip Hop activity center. And you don’t even get any versatility out of it. Baby will use this for a few months and then have to move on. You can’t detach any of the toys either, so it can’t have any use past being a jumper. When I’m paying $$$ for baby gear, I’d like more for my money.
Second, I felt like this was cheaply constructed. The seat is thin at the bottom and has really small leg holes. The toys are bright and borderline obnoxious, as is the piano, although baby seems to love them. The stuffed animals are made from scratchy felt. Overall, the metal legs were the highest-quality part of this portable baby jumper. It just doesn’t seem like it could hold up to a beating from my rambunctious kids. If it were less expensive, I’d let all this slide. But for the price tag, I want nicer parts.
Baby Einstein Neptune’s Ocean Discovery Jumper
Another best traditional baby jumper is the Baby Einstein Neptune’s Ocean Discovery Jumper. Not only will this jumper give your baby some exercise, but it will keep your baby super-duper entertained because of all the toys and activities that it has to offer.
- Swivel seat can move in a complete circle and can be removed and tossed in the washer when dirty
- 4 different height adjustments to keep your baby at a healthy jumping height
- 3 towers suspend the jumper seat and the springs are covered to keep tiny fingers safe
- All plastic or metal surfaces (besides the seat) are easy to keep clean
- 15 different activities to keep baby’s attention
- A crab spinner toy
- A bar with a starfish mirror and an octopus toy
- Flashcards with actual pictures of underwater animals and things
- A dangling fish toy on one of the towers
- Sea turtle activity toy has large number buttons and is removable for playing on the go; he sings and talks in English, Spanish, and French
- Multiple link attachment points for adding your own toys
- Can be taken apart to fold down flat for travel or storage
- Smaller size and lighter weight make it easy to move from room to room
Why Didn’t It Win?
Well, this is the updated version of the Baby Einstein Neighborhood Friends Bouncer, which a lot of people love, love, love! This is supposed to be the lighter and improved version, but people seem to either love it even more or totally not like it at all.
It’s not that responsive. A lot of other jumpers have music or sounds or toys that react when baby jumps or moves. With this baby jumper, it relies solely on baby touching the toys to work. In fact, a lot of the toys here are stationary and don’t move at all, which is a little disappointing.
As far as jumping goes, this one is just okay. The springs aren’t super bouncy, but your baby can still get some good jumps in. When baby does manage to try to jump, they’ll likely just bang the whole seat portion around from side to side and bounce it off of the metal support poles. Not a big deal for them, as they don’t know any better, but not as springy as other options.
Finally, there aren’t a lot of height options for taller kids. You might have a taller 8 or 9-month-old like I did that barely fits at the tallest setting. The result is that your older and tall child might have to just stand in it for a while until they are mobile enough to do other things and become discontent in this jumper.
Oh, and one last thing. This is blue because it’s ocean-themed, but I think that it makes it somewhat geared towards little boys. The colors really aren’t that gender-neutral.
Evenflo ExerSaucer Jump and Learn Jumper
Have you ever watched a baby in a jumper and thought, “Doesn’t that hurt their little feet?!” Well, the Evenflo ExerSaucer Jump and Learn Jumper takes care of that problem. It has the spring suspension for some sweet air, but then it also has a soft balance base underneath. This helps by providing a softer impact while also helping little babies develop muscle tone and coordination. Think of it like a little baby Bosu ball.
- Machine washable polyester seat pad with total spinning ability
- 3 level height adjustment mechanism located where baby can’t reach it
- The bounce platform underneath helps build core muscles while providing extra bounce
- Wide seat with large toy tray and over 26 toys and 67 total learning activities
- All toys were created in coordination with the Child Development Institute
- Toys interact and coordinate with each other
- The conductor toy determines whether classical, rock, or jazz music is played by all toys
- 3 of the toys can be removed and taken on adventures
- Conductor toy has a spinner bar with moveable music notes and a light-up plastic book
- 3 standing toys that spring and make perfect chew toys
- Light-up piano toy with 3 keys
- Activity center toy with a spinning wheel and turning gear
- Suspended light-up microphone toy at the top of one support tower
- Toy bar that arcs from one support tower to the other with 3 dangling plush instruments that make noise when you pull them and a light-up support beam
- All toys were created in coordination with the Child Development Institute
Why Didn’t It Win?
This baby bouncer jumper is huge! It takes up so much space! Plus, it can’t be disassembled or taken apart in any way, so it’s really only suited for using in one room and not moving it around. Not a problem if you have space, but definitely a bit of consideration.
I’m not sure that I understand Evenflo’s math when it comes to the number of activities. There aren’t that many toys, and the toys that are there are kind of lackluster. The ones that are interactive are fun, but the teethers, for example, are boring and actually kind of sharp!
As for the music, it’s alright. Not bad, but not great. It has that electronic, toy-ish sound that you’d come to expect from anything for babies. I’m sure my kids wouldn’t care, but as an amateur musician, some of the sounds bothered me!
Only having 3 height settings is hard. If you start using this at a young age, you’ll be fine. But if you are getting this for a taller or older baby, you’ll find that they outgrow it quickly.
Jolly Jumper with Stand
For many people with small apartments or houses, doorway jumpers are the only realistic option. The Jolly Jumper with Stand is a safer alternative than many other doorway jumpers because it minimizes risk. It has a sturdy, open stand that can be set up anywhere. The seat is also hip-friendly to keep baby healthy.
- A large metal frame with rubber feet and locking legs can be folded for storage
- Metal spring has lots of bounce and allows for lots of movement
- Bar at top of the seat acts as a bumper and also keeps baby properly suspended
- Seat has tummy and spine support to help keep hips in the saddle position
- Can be used indoors or outdoors
Why Didn’t It Win
If you read the safety note at the end of this article, you’ll see that I tend to be against doorway jumpers. They can be a bit dangerous. This one, while a little different, still has some risk because baby could swing or jump into a nearby wall or piece of furniture. Also, a larger baby could potentially have enough force to knock the whole thing over. While unlikely, it could still happen and it’s worth considering.
Another thing to note about this jumper is that it still needs quite a bit of floor space, about a 3ft by 4ft square, to be set up. For a small living space, that’s a nice chunk of real estate.
Finally, the harness is hard to get in and out of because it’s so deep. I’m glad that the harness errs on the side of safety when it comes to hip support and alignment, but you may have to actually take the harness off and put it on your kid before you suspend them from the spring. What a pain!
Summer Pop ‘n Jump Portable Activity Center
One of the most popular questions about jumpers is “can you travel easily with it?” Finally, the Summer Pop ‘n Jump Portable Activity Center can answer with a resounding yes! No more taking off legs and seats and toys and shoving it all in a suitcase to take to grandma’s, only to forget how it all goes back together. This cute and lightweight jumper has a truly compact fold with a travel/storage case with a carrying strap. There’s even a canopy and toys, so it covers all jumping-on-the-go bases!
- Springs in the corners allow baby to actually jump!
- Soft and plastic toys include a spinner ball, rattle, plastic teether, and a fabric book with mirror
- Folding mechanism works like a lawn chair and compactly folds for placement into the storage bag
- Adjustable and machine-washable seat with 3 height levels
- Included UV canopy attaches to the jumper for outdoor protection
- Fabric underneath to keep little feet comfortable and clean
Why Didn’t It Win?
Honestly, this didn’t top the list because it’s more for travel use, not everyday use. It works great for a day at the park or a weekend at grandma’s, but it’s a bit simple for everyday use. Also, it’s bigger than you think. Carrying this jumper around is doable, but it is big and bulky. Don’t be deceived by the marketing photos, it’s not like taking. a little tote bag around!
One final peeve: there’s some velcro that holds the seat pad in place, and when the seat pad is removed, the rough and scratchy side of the velcro is left exposed. That could lead to scratches on baby’s delicate skin, so make sure to cover all velcro spots!
Evenflo Exersaucer Lightweight Activity Jumper
For many of us, the good old jumper is going to become a daily staple for at least a few months. That means that it’s going to be out and about and in a spot where you are going to have to look at it everyday. That’s why I’ve included the Evenflo Exersaucer Lightweight Activity Jumper. It’s a cute, stylish option that will keep baby happily entertained. And because it’s smaller and lighter than other options, you can easily move it from room to room.
- Wooden legs and accents with neutral colors isn’t a total eyesore
- Covered springs so that baby can jump with safety and ease
- Washable swiveling seat that turns 360° to accommodate reaching, turning, and stretching
- Weighs only 16 pounds and is only 37 inches wide so it can easily go from room to room
- Over 13 activities to keep baby entertained
- Two overhead hanging toys
- A talking/singing bunny with light-up carrot
- Plastic owl teether toy
- Attached bear rattle with soft fabric ears
- Snack or toy tray
- Bead bar with beads and spinning animal heads
- See-through roller ball with beads and spinning birdy
- Seat adjusts to 4 different heights so that baby can safely jump until they reach 30 inches tall
Why Didn’t It Win?
Assembly isn’t fun. You have to get through so much packaging and plastic, and then threading everything is kind of a chore to get correct. And it’s not metal and plastic, it’s wood, so there are parts that can scratch or be hurt if you mess up. At least in only requires a screwdriver (or drill if you’re feeling confident) and some batteries.
The wood is attractive, but not as sturdy as thick plastic or metal. The wood runs the risk of bending or even breaking. And while lightweight, the whole thing just isn’t as secure as some other options out there.
The toys are cute and definitely entertaining, but some of them just might be able to move around and whack baby in the face if they get too close. Beware!
Finally, this seat sits up very tall. If your child is average height or shorter, you’ll need to put a book or box under them so that their toes can touch. That was almost a deal-breaker for me, but then I looked at how cute it was and all the other pros, and I was willing to overlook this.
Graco Doorway Bumper Jumper
The Graco Doorway Bumper Jumper is a really good choice for a doorway jumper. It’s safer for baby than most other options because it keeps their little bodies aligned properly and it also has a play tray that helps keep them from banging themselves into the doorway. Can’t beat a door jumper that is mark-free for the door frame!
- Ergonomic seat design places weight on baby’s bum and thighs, not the hips or vital organs
- Seat pad material can be washed when needed or wiped clean
- Non-twist, thick straps and hidden safety cord and bounce spring for no pinches
- Play tray acts as a bumper to protect baby from hitting the doorframe
- Non-marking clamp works at the top of any door frame
- Easy to take down and store
- Hanging toys included on front straps
- Doesn’t require a lot of floor space to use, which is ideal for small homes or apartments
Why Didn’t It Win?
Like I talk about at the end of this article, door jumpers are somewhat frowned upon. Kids hurt themselves on doorway jumpers. And I’m not just talking about falls and crashes, but also about hurting their little hips from improper suspension. This jumper takes care of most of those problems, but still, exercise caution!
While the bumper is awesome and makes a great place to keep toys (not food because it’s a choking hazard!), it also makes a great place to get little fingers smashed. Once baby is big and coordinated enough to reach the end of the tray and grab it, watch out for those little fingers!
I wish some of the parts weren’t plastic! It’s a bit scary to look at because it seems flimsy to me. I’m sure it’s fine, but I was a bit apprehensive of the quality of some of the connective parts and pieces, and especially the plastic clamp that hugs the doorway trim.
Best Baby Jumpers Compared
The table below compares only the recommended products on this page. A low or high Price means it is low or high compared to the other products listed. The Popularity Score reflects how often readers click on and buy the product. The Quality Score is our assessment of the overall performance and satisfaction with the product compared to others in the table.
Evenflo ExerSaucer Jump and Learn Jumper | 3.9 | 9.4 | 144.99 |
Best Baby Jumper | 9.9 | 9.6 | 141.99 |
Evenflo Exersaucer Lightweight Activity Jumper | 5.0 | 9.0 | 134.99 |
Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo | 9.9 | 9.6 | 117.16 |
Jolly Jumper with Stand | 8.2 | 9.4 | 100.00 |
Baby Einstein Neptune's Ocean Discovery Jumper | 9.2 | 9.6 | 97.03 |
Graco Doorway Bumper Jumper | 8.7 | 9.4 | 64.97 |
Summer Pop 'n Jump Portable Activity Center | 8.6 | 9.6 | 64.12 |
Baby Jumper Buying Guide
Here’s all the information that I used to pick out the best baby jumper. If you consider all of this information and really check out the reviews, I’m sure you’ll come to the same conclusion that I did.
Types of Baby Jumpers
Baby jumpers have been around for ages. You can find a bunch of varieties in a wide array of price points. I’m going to talk about the three main kinds that you can buy.
The first kind of baby jumper is the fixed seat kind that stands alone. These are by far the most common. These jumpers have a seat and tray that are fixed in place, and then that whole assembly is usually suspended by cords or springs of some kind. It is these springs, combined with small movements, that provide big bounces for baby.
The second kind of baby jumper is also a stand-alone jumper with a balance element. These types of seats, however, get their jump from springs under the baby’s seat, or even from some kind of bosu balance ball thing placed under the baby’s feet. These are a lot harder to find, but they do exist. These baby jumpers rely on your baby to provide the bounce more than the springs.
The last kind of baby jumper is a baby doorway jumper. This kind of baby jumper usually has a harnessed seat system that is attached to a large spring. This whole assembly can then be attached to a doorway. There are even some like this that can be attached to a frame or an old swing frame. These are great for saving space and rely on that big spring to get baby going up and down.
What to Look For
They make big jumpers and compact jumpers. Some can fit against a wall, while others need a few inches of clearance all the way around. Consider how much space you have and where your jumper will live before you buy. Read the dimensions before buying! And always read the manufacturer’s recommendations for weight and height before purchasing to make sure that you get a product that can grow with your baby.
Not all seats are created equal. Some are made for thin babies, some for chunky ones. I mention this because both my babies have what I like to call healthy thighs. Not all baby thighs will fit in the same leg holes! Baby won’t play if their legs are being pinched. They also won’t play if the seat doesn’t have stretch and puts a lot of pressure of them. And a nice sketchy material will help baby stay comfy. So will proper adjustment of the seat height.
This will be a matter of personal preference. You may like brighter, louder toys than other parents. Just remember that any toy your baby plays with should have some kind of educational value. Think bright colors, shapes, and patterns. Any toy that teaches cause and effect, like toys with levers or buttons, is great. And toys that baby can chew on when teething won’t go amiss either. A final thing to consider: too many toys and sounds will overwhelm baby, and they won’t want to play. Not enough toys and sounds will make baby quickly bored and they won’t want to play. Use your child as your guide and choose well.
I know you think the doorway jumpers are cool. And I do too. But they are so unsafe. They’re an accident waiting to happen. That’s why the majority of them don’t get reviews over 4 stars- too many bad things happen.
Besides that, just make sure that your jumper is constructed well. It should have sturdy and safe plastic and metals that are free from harmful substances. It should have a high seat that goes up to the baby’s armpits so that they can’t jump or fall out. No springs should be exposed. And no toys should be small enough to choke on.
Is it just a jumper, or maybe something else too? And while I picked a jumper with maximum versatility, there are options out there that are versatile, but more subtly so. For example, many jumpers have toys that can detach and be played with outside the jumper, so you are getting more use for your money.
Find more versatile and unique baby products on our popular list.
Please, please, please, don’t overpay for a jumper. It can be tempting to pay a lot of money for something that you think is good. And the shiny toys and loud music can help you justify the price tag. But keep in mind that a jumper will only have s life of about 6 months, so paying an exorbitant amount of money is just silly.
FAQs – Baby Jumpers
Why would I need a baby jumper?
Ask any experienced mommy and they’ll tell you that a good jumper can be a lifesaver!
They can keep baby entertained while giving them some exercise. This gets them nice and ready for their next nap while you get your hands free to get something done. Independent play is a great thing for babies, so don’t be afraid to use the jumper!
Is a walker or jumper better for my baby?
Wheeled walkers are a bit more dangerous than baby jumpers. They can roll downstairs or help baby reach dangerous items that he would not otherwise be able to reach.
A doorframe jumper is also dangerous. Look at the research and then purchase and use with caution. An exersaucer, which is a way to describe a fixed jumper -with no wheels, is a safer bet.
None of these, however, helps your child learn to walk. They may, in fact, retard your child’s physical development, delaying his crawling, cruising, and/or walking if overused. Use, fully supervised, only a few minutes at a time, once or twice a day, when you most need your hands for another purpose.
What is the best exercise for the physical development of my baby?
Floor exercise is the best bet for your baby. Tummy time can’t be beaten when it comes to helping baby get the skills and exercise they need to develop.
Place your baby on the floor (or in a playpen when you are not able to supervise) and allow them to learn to roll, support themselves on hands and knees, sit and crawl, cruise, and finally, walk.
Are baby jumpers safe for babies?
Most jumpers that go on the floor are totally safe for baby. Doorframe jumpers or jumpers with terrible hip placement and support are not safe for baby.
Any jumper becomes a risk if baby spends too much time in it. This is because jumping, for the pre-crawler, may not be developing the right muscles for his developmental stage and might even delay his ability to crawl and cruise.
Are doorframe jumpers safe?
Most of the research says no. Why? The jumper could fall down and baby would get hurt. Baby could slam into the doorframe and get hurt. There are all kinds of scenarios that could happen that result in your baby getting hurt.
In light of that, use door jumpers only sparingly and in the safest possible conditions. Research the jumper ahead of time to be sure that parents do not report accidents. Make certain that it is securely fixed, incorporates some protection to avoid collision with the door frame, and that the seat is a good fit for your baby. Last, allow your baby only a few minutes per day in the jumper.
What age child should use a baby jumper?
Your baby can start jumping when she can hold/control her head independently, usually around 4 months. By 12 months your baby should stop using a baby jumper because they’ll be too tall and they could topple out of the jumper.
A Safety Note About Jumpers
Jumpers can be bad for your baby. Yes, we’ve heard it stressed that you need to exercise your baby (because they sleep better, I’m telling you!), and a baby jumper seems like a perfect way to do that. But, placing your baby in a jumper for extended periods can actually work against their health and development.
In order to get optimal development, your baby should be spending a lot of time on their tummy, then crawling, then standing, then cruising, then walking. That’s the normal sequence of events for a well-developed baby. When a baby is in their jumper, they are getting a lot of uncontrolled movements. According to Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, the uncontrolled movements that are experienced in a jumper, like standing on tiptoe and rapid, wobbly jumping, aren’t helping your baby to develop. The hospital says that these movements don’t help to develop trunk and leg control in the same way that more natural movements, like crawling and cruising, do.
In addition to the cognitive, and developmental concerns, there’s the issue of the hips. When your baby is fully suspended by their hips, it places a lot of strain on not just the hips, but the spine, back, and legs as well. According to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, the restraint of the legs as experienced in a baby carrier or baby jumper leads to improper placement of the hips. This can lead to abnormal hip development in the baby.
All of this adds up to a baby who doesn’t have the necessary skills to walk or crawl as they should. Between the baby experiencing improper hip and back alignment, combined with the encouragement of standing on the tiptoes and the lack of control for those core and leg muscles, the baby just can’t do what they should. In any case, there is some evidence that normal walking will be delayed in babies who use walkers, jumpers, or bouncers.
Besides being bad for babies, jumpers can be dangerous. There is a big chance that your baby can become injured when in a baby jumper. Babies can slip out of seats or pinch their fingers in the springs. Supports can break and babies can get hurt.
The type of jumper that is suspended from a doorway is extremely dangerous. Babies can jump so hard that they pull the jumper off of the doorway and fall. They can also jump so wildly that they collide with the door frame on either side or with an object in front of or behind them. There’s also a strangulation risk for older babies who could somehow become entangled in the long cord. Sounds impossible, but all parents know that babies are little Houdini’s when they want to be.
Now, this all being said, a few minutes every day or two isn’t going to turn your baby into an invalid. It certainly won’t hurt them. Studies have shown that constant, extended time in jumpers or walkers is what hurts your baby. If they jump around while you take a 10-minute shower, it’s gonna be alright.
Be sure to minimize baby’s risk. Please don’t use doorway jumpers if you can help it! They’re an accident waiting to happen.