Editor’s Note
The City Select Lux is still available to purchase, however, the City Mini GT2 All-Terrain is an updated and smaller stroller if you are looking for a slimmer option. Both choices have UV protected sun canopies and all-terrain wheels for traveling over many different surface types. The Mini GT2 can accommodate up to 65 lbs versus the Lux which holds up to 45 lbs. The Lux weighs 29.5 lbs and measures 49.61 x 43.11 x 25.59;” whereas the Mini GT2 weighs less at 21.4 lbs and measures at 44.88 x 21.21 x 43.5.” The Mini GT2 also offers no air, all rubber tires, a seat that goes almost completely flat, and adjustable calf support. Both of the strollers have many optional add-on’s to increase the versatility for growing and active families.
Can this stroller’s giant price tag be justified by its incredible features?
The transition from one kid to two kids is hard. It’s hard on your sanity and your wallet. But the Baby Jogger City Select Lux can help make that transition easier. This amazing stroller has so many features, including 20 different ways to ride. The options for one or two (or even 3!) kids of nearly any age are practically endless.
Besides that, it folds up small, has amazing wheels and suspension, and can host a myriad of accessories. Basically, it does whatever you need it to in order to make life easier.
But do all of those cool features really work? For such a large price tag, this fancy stroller could work a lot better.
How Many Positions Are Possible?
When I said that this thing has 20 different possible positions, that wasn’t a typo. And it wasn’t wishful thinking, either. You can configure the City Select Lux for up to 3 kids.
But before I dive into how many different positions you can put the stroller in, let me make one thing clear: most of these positions require additional equipment. The reason you can get so many positions is because you can use the stroller base combined with the stroller seat, the pram attachment, the car seat attachment, or the kids bench seat.
The only thing included with the stroller is the actual stroller seat. For all other configurations, you’re going to have to shell out some extra cash and get the required attachment.
1 Kid Configurations
For having just one kid in the stroller, there’s a lot of possibilities. You can take the stroller seat and you can put it on the top and face it either towards the world or towards a parent. Then you can use the bottom seat to use the shopping tote attachment or one of the other attachments that is offered.
You could also attach the stroller seat to that front of the stroller so that your child is facing the world and you essentially have more of an open space in the back over the storage basket. Either way you choose to use it, you’ll have lots of space for just one kiddo.
(Side note: If you only have one kid and aren’t planning on having more, then this stroller isn’t worth it. There’s better single strollers on the market.)
2 Kid Combos
When you use the stroller for two kids, you really get the most use out of it. For two kids, you can use the stroller seat on either the top or bottom. You could use the pram on either the top or bottom. You could use a car seat on the top or bottom. And, you can use the bench seat on the top, but not the bottom. The added bench seat feature is what makes the Lux different from the original City Select stroller.
You can switch any of the kid seats to face in or out. So once you add up how many different seats there are, how many different ways you can position them, and whether they’re facing forward or toward the parent (FYI: facing toward you reduces baby’s stress), that’s where you get most of your 20-plus positions that this stroller offers. Plus, each seat holds a kid up to 45 pounds and the bench seat holds up to 65 pounds, so your kid can sit in that seat for a few years.
This isn’t the only stroller that has the ability to host 1 or 2 kids. Check out our Best Double Stroller article to see more strollers like this tandem double stroller.
3 Kid Mode
While the third kid mode is not a lot to brag about, it’s still a really nice feature. All you have to do is buy the glider board and attach it. This thing is awesome! It’s just like an extra little skateboard that attaches to the back of the stroller that your kids stands on while you push it.
So, you could potentially have a tiny baby in a pram up top, a kid sitting in the stroller seat down below, and then an older kid standing on the glider board. While it will look like you’re pushing a circus train around, you could at least have all the kids in one spot.
Is There Really Enough Space for Both Kids?
When you look at the stroller and realize you could potentially fit two toddlers (or even three), you might wonder if there’s enough space. And my answer to that is kind of.
If you’re doing two of the same seat, space gets a little tight. So, for example, if you use two of the stroller seat attachments, they kind of squish each other and someone ends up getting their head kicked a lot or their legs squished.
But, if you use two different seats, like a stroller attachment in front, and a bench attachment in the back, I have found that there was plenty of space for both kids. Honestly, you’ll have to play around with configurations to see what gives you the most room. You can move the seats to face other directions or move them up and down the stroller chassis.
I have yet to see a double stroller that really offers a luxurious amount of room for either kid when you’re both on there, so this stroller is right in line with most others that I’ve tried.
Features That Make it Lux
Like I mentioned, the main drive of the stroller is the crazy amount of positions you can put it in. But, besides that, there are a couple of things that the regular model can’t. Those extras make the City Select Lux a truly luxurious luxury stroller.
Folding Up Flat
Take one look at this stroller and you are instantly wondering how you’re going to get it in your trunk. It’s big and it’s heavy. However, this thing folds up 30% smaller than the regular model. This thing folds up small because the seats themselves fold, too.
You do have to use the two levers on the side to fold it, which is impossible to do with one hand. But as long as you can use both hands and push the sides together, this thing folds up really compact.
If you need to get it even more compact, you can remove the wheels. This step takes a lot of extra time, but it’s worth it if you have a very small trunk. It’s easy to just slide the wheels back on when you’re ready to use the stroller. They just click right back into place.
I wish it did stand up on its own, because that would make my life easier at times. But otherwise, the folding mechanism on the stroller is outstanding.
Big Wheels and Big Suspension
Another Lux feature of this stroller is the wheels and the suspension. When you pay this much money for a stroller, you expect it to ride smoothly. And this stroller does.
The wheels on the back are larger than the wheels on the front, which give it better steering and better ride over all terrains. The all wheel suspension is great, because I can go over sidewalk cracks and not wake up my kid with a big jump.
I also love that the wheels don’t need any air, but I do wish there was more rubber on them. Sometimes it seems like the rubber that’s there will wear off easily, especially with the heavy loads that two and even three kids can bring.
Sub-Seat Storage
Another feature that this pretty simple stroller has is a really nice storage basket underneath. It’s made of a stretchy mesh material, so you can fit a lot of things in it.
Plus, someone was really thinking through this design when they made the seats moveable to access the storage baskets. This is particularly easy if you’re using the bench attachment on the back. You just fold the seat up and you can reach down and get whatever you need out of the good size storage basket.
However, my complaint is that this is the only storage the stroller has. No snack tray, no drink holders, and no parent console. All of these have to be bought separate.
This is frustrating, when you’re already shelling out so much money for a stroller. Your best bet is to look at different retailers and find an off-brand storage solution that will still work for the stroller.
Advanced Braking System?
The final Lux feature of the stroller is the braking system. I have a love-hate relationship with this braking system. It’s nice that it’s not on the bottom wheels like most strollers, because it makes it easier to use. You don’t have to worry about ripping off your flip-flop, breaking a toenail, or not being able to see the brake when you have things hanging from the stroller.
The decelerating/parking brake is right on top of the telescopic adjustable handlebar so that you can use it quickly. However, I think it’s positioned a little awkwardly. It can be kind of hard to squeeze because you have to squeeze it all the way up from pointing down. Hard to do with one hand.
My biggest complaint with this brake is that it pretty much prevents you from using any parent storage console on top. If you buy the storage console that Baby Jogger offers to go on the handle, it’s totally unusable because the handbrake gets in the way.
I think that the handbrake has a good basic design, but they need to rethink the placement a little bit, both for ease of use and storage reasons.
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Product Video
Customer Reviews
- 4 stars, 31 reviews- Target
- 4 stars, 32 reviews- BuyBuyBaby
- 4 stars, 32 reviews- Babies R Us
- Can fit up to 3 kids
- Over 20 different positions
- Folds up pretty flat
- Rides smooth even with a lot of weight
- Not a ton of space with 2 kids
- Hardly any storage
- Have to buy additional accessories to configure seats
- Very expensive
Final Take
Overall, this is a really fantastic stroller. It does a lot of things that no other stroller will do. At least for two kids at the same time anyways. I like the modular design that allows for many different seat positions, whether using one seat or even both seats and a glider board. I do wish there was a little bit more space in between the seats, but I think that’s more a matter of making the right adjustments than a flaw in the design.
There’s not much else to the stroller, which is a bummer. Not having snack or drink trays for the littler kids is super inconvenient. It does keep it lightweight and easy to fold, which are two things that I really look for in a nice stroller. There are a couple of other things with the design, like the handbrake, that could use a little work.

And most of all, the big price tag is a huge downside. Especially if you have to buy all of those extra attachments and accessories. The final price tag for getting the stroller you want can be really large. Good thing you can use the stroller for many years and for a few kids.
If you want a luxury stroller for both of your babies, look no further than the Baby Jogger City Select Lux. If you want a non-luxury but high-quality double stroller with different positions, check out the Britax B-Agile double stroller or another, cheaper option.
Thanks for the review. How do you use the bench seat at the bottom of the stroller?
I can easily fit it on at the top, but not the bottom. Any tips?
Hey Emma! Thanks for commenting!
So I just got done doing a lot of research on this. And it turns out, the bench seat is only usable on the top. If you have the front adapter, you might be able to mess around with it and make it work by clicking the bench seat’s arms onto the adapter tower, but even then, there’s nowhere for that bottom piece to click in. When you put the bench seat on the back, it has that crossbar to click down onto.
You might be able to get it to work in the front, but it’s not designed to work that way. I’m sorry that my article was confusing in that regard, I’ve updated that section to be more clear.
Let me know if you are able to get it to work so that I can update the article again! Good luck!
Do not buy this stroller. You will be stuck with an expensive purchase. Bought this for our twins and there are no accessories. They don’t even offer eating trays. All discontinued and none sells them. Only good for newborns and that’s just too expensive. Do yourself a favor and buy any other stroller that will grow as your baby grows.