BabyBjorn carriers focus on one concept: closeness. The Swedish company of Baby Bjorn knows that babywearing is a bonding experience for both parent and baby and strives to make it a comfortable experience for both. The company currently offers four baby carriers that suit different wants and needs.
Due to their similarities, we’ll be discussing all four of the Baby Bjorn carriers in this review. These include the BabyBjorn One Air Baby Carrier, the BabyBjorn One Baby Carrier, the BabyBjorn Free Baby Carrier, and the BabyBjorn Mini Baby Carrier. All of these carriers have the same basic foundation and differ in their additional features.
If you’re looking for the bare essential baby carrier, you’ll want the BabyBjorn Mini. The carrier is easy on and off and is suitable for your baby’s first year. It’s best for shorter babywearing sessions and comes in three fabric choices.
For a step up, you’ll be looking at the BabyBjorn Free. This carrier lasts a little past your baby’s first birthday, to a maximum weight of 26 pounds. It’s just as simple to put on as the Mini, but, unlike the smaller carrier, this one features additional back support for those who can use a little assistance.
If you want to go all out, you’ll want the BabyBjorn One or One Air. These carriers are the same, except for the material they are made of. The One is made of cotton, while the One Air comes in the company’s patented 3D mesh. Both carriers accommodate your baby from birth up to age three!
Keep reading to delve deeper into the benefits and concerns of each of these BabyBjorn carriers and narrow down the choices to the best fit for you and your baby!
Important Benefits of all BabyBjorn Carriers
Made of Breathable 3D Mesh
The 3D mesh fabric is unique to the BabyBjorn brand. It has three layers, including a fine single-thread middle layer that ensures comfortable airflow to keep you and your baby nice and cool.
This mesh is both stable and flexible. The flexibility allows it to form to your baby in a natural position while giving you the feel of a secure hold. This flexibility also means it will retain its shape, even after a trip to the washing machine.
Three of the four of the BabyBjorn carriers come in the 3D mesh material. The One carrier comes only in cotton. If you’d like the One in the 3D mesh, the One Air is the same carrier except in the mesh. Contrastly, the Mini comes in the mesh and has two other fabric options which we’ll discuss shortly!
It is incredibly important that a baby carrier provides proper support for a growing baby. First and foremost, in order for any carrier to be safe, it must be able to give the baby a clear airway. Newborns under 4 months are at risk if their head falls forward and blocks the airway.
This is an issue for newborns because they lack head and neck control. To counteract this, all BabyBjorn carriers included adjustable head support. The head support buckles into the straps of the carrier. From there, you can pull to tighten or loosen the strap to give your baby the proper level support.
Once the baby is ready for outward-facing adventures, the head support folds down to give your baby a full view of the world.
Baby carriers should also cradle babies in a natural position. Much like a parent would hold a baby, a carrier should cradle under the baby’s bottom and support the back. Hip positioning is another factor.
While in the carrier, the baby’s hips and legs should form an “M” shape. The legs and knees should be bent above the hip level and left to dangle. When not properly positioned, conditions like hip dysplasia could arise.
If you choose a BabyBjorn carrier though, your baby is safe, hips-wise. The Carrier One, One Air, and Free BabyBjorn carriers have been deemed “hip-healthy” by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.
Machine Washable
In your babywearing travels, you’re bound to encounter a mess or two. Those early days usually contain their fair share of spit-up incidents, after all. You won’t have to sweat a spill or two because these carriers are 100% machine washable.
To wash any of the BabyBjorn carriers, choose a warm, not hot, setting. Use a gentle detergent that is bleach-free. After washing, allow the harness to air dry. Tumble drying can lead to some malformation.
Benefits of the BabyBjorn Carrier One & One Air Carriers
For Use Up to 3 Years Old
Oftentimes, we think baby carriers are only for young babies and can be shelved as babies get older. However, traditionally, baby carriers are used all the way through toddlerhood as well.
If you prefer to keep the carrier to the baby years, the One and the One Air are still fabulous choices for babywearing. If you do think you’d like to carry your precious one as a toddler too, though, `these carriers can.
The One and One Air carriers have two height positions that are easy to adjust as your baby grows. Most prefer to back carry older children, but you can absolutely front-carry a toddler as well in these BabyBjorn carriers.
Benefits of the BabyBjorn Free Carrier
Additional Back Support
Pregnancy puts a lot of stress on a woman’s body. By labor time, some of us have lost major core strength, which is evident in the horrible third trimester back pains. After you give birth, your back might have some lingering issues, but you’ll find it hard to find time to work on building that core with a newborn.
Eventually, that tiny 8-pound newborn becomes a bulky 15-pounder and your back is screaming when you have to pick your him up 64 times a day. Babywearing could be your solution and if you need additional back support, pick the BabyBjorn Free.
The BabyBjorn Free is designed to keep you comfortable. The built-in back support starts at the upper back and reaches down to the lower back. The carrier also has padded shoulder straps and a waist belt to evenly distribute your baby’s weight and protect your back.
Benefits of the BabyBjorn Mini Carrier
Comes in Three Different Fabric Choices
With a carrier, the fabric can make all the difference. The One Air and the Free only come in BabyBjorn’s 3D mesh, while the One only comes in cotton. Meanwhile, the Mini comes in three different fabric choices: 3D mesh, cotton, and 3D jersey.
The right fabric best depends on your lifestyle. Above, we went into detail about the 3D mesh. This scientific innovation was made to be breathable and durable.
Cotton is, of course, familiar to all of us. The cotton Mini carrier is soft and gentle as it touches your baby’s skin. Plus, the BabyBjorn company has committed to the Better Cotton Initiative, or BCI, which is a program that ensures sustainable cotton farming practices.
On the other hand, the 3D jersey is the company’s newest fabric option. It’s “as comfy as your favorite t-shirt.” With this jersey material, the company has released its softest and most flexible carrier.

If you tend to get hot easily, especially when holding a baby, or if you just live in a consistently warm area, you’d be wise to choose the breathable 3D mesh. For a softer (and coincidentally warmer) carrier, choose the cotton or 3D jersey option.
Concerns About all BabyBjorn Carriers
Accessories Not Included
Baby carriers commonly include certain accessories, specifically a cover and a bib. The cover is like a small coat for the carrier that helps keep the baby warm and sheltered in colder weather. The bib snaps over the front of the carrier, the exact spot a baby might find attractive for some teething-related chewing.
The BabyBjorn bib attaches to the front of the carrier. It is made of soft Tencel fabric that can feel comforting to aching gums, while a waterproof membrane keeps the carrier dry.
The bib, and the carrier itself, meet the criteria for OEKO-TEX Standard 100, Class 1 for baby products. This classifies them as safe for baby’s skin and taste. If your baby would chew on the carrier, it would be perfectly safe for him or her to do so, but it could damage your carrier or lead to more frequent washings.
Meanwhile, the carrier cover is robust protection for your baby. The outer layer is weatherproof, while the inner layer is a warm and cuddly fleece. The cover can be placed whether the baby is facing-in or facing-out. A button allows you to adjust to your baby’s size.
In the end, the bib protects your investment against drool and teeth, while the cover protects your baby from the elements. Both are pretty essential, so some customers feel slightly ripped off to not receive basics like a cover and a bib for the price of this baby carrier.
Speaking of price, these BabyBjorn carriers are not budget options. While the Mini is the most affordable, it only lasts a year before it becomes a hand-me-down, and it’s still pretty high priced for such a short amount of use. For longevity, you’ll need to shell out a hundred bucks or two.
There is no shortage of baby carriers for sale. For half the price of a BabyBjorn, you can purchase a wrap carrier or a ring sling. However, many mothers find carriers like those difficult to use and not worth the cheaper price.
Likewise, competing structured carriers are also lower priced. There may be cheaper options out there, but no one other baby carrier can offer the same comfort and security as a BabyBjorn carrier, so the price may be worth it to you.
Concerns About the BabyBjorn Carrier One & One Air
Head Support Could Use Some Snaps
The adjustable head support is a vital part of any baby carrier. It’s needed to support a newborn’s head while in the forward-facing position. It loses its significance, though, once the baby grows and you opt for the forward-facing position.
When your baby is forward-facing, the adjustable head support is in the perfect position to completely block your baby’s vision and I imagine they’d be unhappy with that. The head support is designed to be folded down to accommodate, but it doesn’t have anything to attach to.
Other structured carries typically have buttons or snaps that attach the adjustable head support to the body of the baby carrier. The BabyBjorn One and One Air lacks this feature. Instead, you pull to tighten the head support to keep it in place.
While it’s a minor point, and the headrest does mostly stay down, I worry about a good strong wind flapping it right back up.
Concerns About the BabyBjorn Free & Mini Carriers
Doesn’t Allow for Back Carrying
Back carrying in carriers isn’t recommended until the baby can sit up on their own and has strong head and neck control. While many babies can sit up on their own around 6 months, others may take longer. Some experts don’t recommend back carrying until the baby is one year old.
The BabyBjorn Mini and Free are intended for use in the first year or so. They have maximum weight limits of 24 and 26 pounds, respectively. Due to developmental limitations, these carriers cannot be used to back carry.
If the ability to back carry your child past the 26-pound mark is something you’re looking for, the BabyBjorn One and One Air are both approved for back carrying (and front carrying) until 3 years old (or 33 pounds, whichever comes first).
Our Video Review of the Babybjorn Mini
Concerns About the BabyBjorn Mini Carrier
No Waist Belt or Padded Shoulder Straps
On baby carriers, waist belts and padded shoulder straps help to distribute the weight of the baby evenly to help prevent back and muscle strain for the parent. For longer babywearing sessions, the lack of additional support could be a major pain in the back.
Understandably, such strain is more common with older babies and toddlers. The heavier the baby, the more chance of a pulled muscle. Because the BabyBjorn Mini can only be used for babies under 24 pounds, doing without extra features like a waist belt and padded straps are not as much of a sacrifice.
If the waist belt and padded straps are a feature you’re looking for, you can always go a step above to the BabyBjorn Free.
Also, while this carrier is certainly comfortable for baby and helps their legs maintain that healthy shape, it’s not officially deemed “hip-healthy” by IHDI. But again, if you step up to the Free, this problem is solved.
The BabyBjorn One Air vs Ergobaby Omni 360 Carrier
In many ways, the BabyBjorn One Air and the Ergobaby Omni 360 carrier are similar. Both of these carriers exist at the same price point and grow with the child from babyhood to toddlerhood. They even both have the “hip-healthy” stamp from the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.
The Ergobaby carrier does beat out the BabyBjorn in a few ways. For one, the Omni 360 allows for hip carrying. For some parents, the hip carry position is preferable to front or back carry.
Second, the Ergobaby carrier has a maximum weight limit of 45, which is higher than the BabyBjorn at 33 pounds.
Third, the Omni 360 includes a detachable storage pouch. This comes handy for stashing snacks!
The BabyBjorn Mini vs Ergobaby Embrace Baby Wrap Carrier
While the Ergobaby Embrace Baby Wrap carrier contains the word “wrap” in the name, it isn’t a traditional wrap or ring sling carrier. It’s a soft-structured carrier, just like the BabyBjorns we are discussing.
Beyond both being structured carriers, they are both intended for newborns and young babies. You won’t struggle to put on either because they are both easy-on, easy-off. You’ll also pay about the same price for both.
Still, even though being intended for newborns, customers found the sizing of the carrier to be off. Some babies are too small for the carrier alone but are too big for the newborn insert. Also, the Embrace lacks any significant head support, which makes the BabyBjorn Mini the stronger competition.
FAQs About BabyBjorn Carriers
Can a baby sleep in BabyBjorn carriers?
Yes! If the carrier is used properly (always check the product manual!), your baby can absolutely take a nap in the carrier. This allows you to knock some things off your to-do list while your hands-free and the baby snoozes.
From my own personal experience, I have found that you can vacuum, or do laundry, or even dance around to loud music while your baby sleeps in the carrier. It doesn’t wake them. Yes, I really did dance around a lot in the early months – you got to wake yourself up somehow!
As a heads up, studies show that babies sleep longer if they have physical contact with their parent, so when it’s nap time, try strapping your baby up in the carrier!
Can both parents use BabyBjorn carriers?
Of course! If your partner wants a chance to babywear, they can use any BabyBjorn carrier as well. Each carrier is adjustable to different users.
The Mini and the Free can be adjusted in the front of the body, while the One and the One Air involve some strapping in the back, so you may need to lend a hand!
Wrap Up
BabyBjorn is a trusted name in baby carriers with good reason. The comfort it offers for both the baby and the parent is unparalleled.
If you go with the BabyBjorn One or BabyBjorn One Air, you can wear your little one through toddlerhood, keeping them close as they grow.
If you choose the BabyBjorn Mini, you’ll get an affordable carrier for your baby’s first year with your choice in breathable fabric. You should pick the BabyBjorn Free if you want to babywear the first year, but would also appreciate some additional back support.
The four BabyBjorn carriers suit different needs and wants, so it’s truly up to you to decide which carrier best suits your family – and luckily, you have options!