Comments on: Baby Nap Schedule by Month Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:22:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melodie Gabrielle Debrecen Fri, 04 Aug 2017 13:06:09 +0000 My 10 month old is really struggling with her daytime naps. I have tried everything you mentioned except for one which I will try tomorrow… to stay near her when she naps and try to help her transition through to her deep sleep. I work from home so these past few weeks I’ve just been in my study expecting her not to wait long.
I may also try adding a small soft teddy for comfort.
Thanks for sharing these tips.

By: Tessa Mon, 10 Jul 2017 11:17:39 +0000 Hi, I’m from the Netherlands and have learned from several books from my country that babies have a sleep cycle that lasts 45-50 minutes instead of 25-30. And its true, I’ve seen it with both of my kids and other kids from friends. How come you write something different?
Kind regards, Tessa
