Comments on: Snuggle Me Organic Review: Low Down on the Co-Sleeping Lounger Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:22:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Mon, 25 Nov 2019 16:34:28 +0000 Not only is it not safe. The snuggle me Organic ISNT Organic at all. It’s filled with poly fill which ABSOLUTELY HAS all of those chemicals you stated it didn’t have. It used to be filled with wool or conventional cotton containing roundup but now they just flat out lie and fill them with virgin poly which is made with tons of chemicals and flame retardants. No air flow, baby may over heat, not to mention un safe off gassing.

By: stephanie klasner Sat, 10 Aug 2019 12:16:32 +0000 In reply to Chelsea.

I 100% agree with your comment and was surprised how many times the blogger stated it was safe. These loungers are not meant to sleep in. The position of the sides can easily suffocate a baby.

By: Chelsea Sun, 24 Jun 2018 13:43:54 +0000 This product isn’t safe. If you want to choose it for yourself and take the risk, that’s your choice, but don’t advertise it as safe for others that may not know better. If it doesn’t have the word crib, play yard, or bassinet in the product description, it hasn’t met safety standards and recommendations. Babies have died in these types of unregulated sleepers. This is very irresponsible to use your platform to potentially put other babies in danger.
